Little Sarah ~ September 2012 ~ Shenandoah Family Photographer

For those of you that know me, you already probably know that I adore kids.  I think they are the most special creatures on the planet. Sometimes I love to just watch them throw dirt, rocks, sticks, sand and anything else that could launch into the air. I know its dangerous and no one likes cleaning sand out of hair, but seriously these are my favorite sessions to photograph. When Mom doesn't care that your running around without shoes, or the laughter that echoes when your brother just pulled his pants down to pee. The carefree spirit and letting kids be kids, is how life should be. We get so worked up over simple things that don't really matter in the grand scheme....that we have to laugh when we peer down at our glowing little bundles of joy only to notice that their shoes are on the wrong feet....and no they didn't put them on we did.  Yes I have done this to both my kids, only to have some stranger come up to me and say ...."Looks like she dressed herself this morning....." and chuckle. Yeah whatever. No. I dressed her and yes I put her shoes on the wrong feet. And I laugh. 

Enough of my mommy tangent, the point is that Miss Sarah was such an awesome little subject to photograph. Her smile is so genuine and I enjoyed this session with her so much. She is naturally happy and carefree, she enjoys sitting by the river throwing rocks and of course tossing up the occasionally handful of sand. It was great to be able to take her 2 year photos in her own natural element. So anyhow, check out the adorable little miss in her photos below. These are some of my favorites from her session. 


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