Lifestyle Family Photo Shoot ~ Harrisonburg Virginia Lifestyle Photography ~ July 2013

Time does not stand still, nor does our desire to capture the BIG moments in our lives. My favorite part of being a photographer is capturing the little moments, the subtle ones. Whether its looking out a window, laughing, jumping on the bed, all the things the little things that we do in the hectic swirl of life are sometimes the most beautiful moments to cherish. It was super fun to visit with the Apple (not the fruit) loving M family, and check out their new digs, and I was stoked that Momma wanted to do their session in their home, not only was I relieved that I wouldn't be sweating the night away in the July heat..... and those of you that know me, know I am a sweater.... yes probably my least favorite attribute BUT oh well, what can ya do?

So it was awesome being in the relaxing air conditioned home of the M family, checking out H and E's rooms and getting the grand tour. I love lifestyle photography, its an art of its own. I hope you enjoy the images from this fun family session. I can't wait to meet baby #3!!! 

Much love, 



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