Monday's Music Notes and Weekend Review ~ September 30, 2013

I have been struggling lately with many things one being balance of work and family (the usual in photog world) and the other relearning how to be myself again. Sounds silly maybe but true, for me at least.  It's easy for some to plan a family and slide right into the role of being a mother and some are perfectly content which is great for those people, it just wasn't me. I had a hard time adjusting and I am not going to pretend that I didn't. Don't get me wrong, being a mother is the greatest thing that ever happened to me...... I am simply saying that for years and years before children and my photography business, it was different, I was different, which everyone changes yes .....  I think it is so important for women to embrace whatever role that they have manifested into, be actively and emotionally involved in whatever your passion may be.

Here comes the BUTTTTTTT....... (I like it with multiple TTTs)

Do not loose who you are in the midst of who you think you should be. I told myself once or twice that no matter what circumstances may arise that I would always be true to myself. Granted when you have a family, other things start to come first. However, there should be some sort of way for us to be able to extend the part of ourselves that made us who we are and positively promote that love beyond the roles of daily life.  We should not be afraid to find something that makes us happy beyond being  mothers, wives and careers.

 Hopefully this is not just some endless ramble and  will make sense to someone .... lol.

This brings me to my ultimate goal of this post and that is to share with you, the new hot jams on my editing playlist.... they may not be your style, they may not be your taste, you may hate them all..... or you might find something that you love. I have found that it makes me super happy to listen to music pretty much the entire time I am at my computer..... which is like usual 8+ hours a day. (yeah crazy lol)

You can find all of these on Spotify or wherever you listen to your tunes! 

One of my good friends posted this today.... and I wanted to share. Thanks T!

And now for a quick weekend review of my favorite photos.......

I was so lucky to see this family on Friday evening. I heart these girls! (and their parents too)

Then Saturday I ventured over to Washington, VA and got to be a part of this special day......

Congratulations Stephanie and James!!!

THEN...... I was up in Herndon, VA getting my baby snuggles in with this little sweetheart....

Then I was out in Middleburg with a former US Olympian Horseback rider, which was a special project and has yet to be unveiled.

 It was a crazy weekend nonetheless! 

If you have any music that makes for a good share.... please send it my way! 

I hope you all had a super duper weekend!!

Much Love, 



  1. Oh my little baby girl looks so sweet. LOVED the sneak peek!! :) Thank you again for a super fun session. :)


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